Move to design the future

Move your body. Move your mind. Create new ideas. Create our future.

Inertia is the primary reason that ideas aren’t actualized in the world. Staying stuck is natural, especially when it is comfortable or restful. But staying where it’s comfortable doesn’t lead to growth and innovation.

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion.

— Newton’s first law

Creation is by nature about movement; making, building, doing. The creative process is key when coming up with new ideas, products or services. When you move your body, you create momentum and energy. Ideas come to the surface faster because they are fueled by that motion that you have created.

Think about the last time you were stuck personally or professionally. What was the hardest part of making a change and doing something new? Likely, it was taking the first step and putting yourself in motion. The same is true when it comes to creating new product and business ideas. Even if your idea isn’t quite right and you head in the wrong direction, it’s better to begin and adjust in motion than it is to stay in one spot hoping that a better future will arrive.

When I facilitate Design Sprints, physical movement is a part of the equation. We get up and move around the room. We stand and gather round for sharing ideas. We go out into the world to observe the environments that people live and work in. Motion creates a noticeable shift and more ideas come forth than they do when a group is sitting still around a table.

Moving your body moves ideas more easily out of your head and into the world. So when you feel stuck, put yourself in motion and see what comes to the surface. It might just be your best idea yet.

Here are a few suggestions to get you moving next time you are problem solving with your team:

  1. Play music. Play something ambient and experimental or some jazz music to get heads bobbing while people are sketching.

  2. Stand up. When a group of people is sharing ideas, have everyone gather round a whiteboard or wall. Have one person share his idea while others stand around in a half-circle. Then switch.

  3. Stretch or plank. It may feel silly — and probably needs to be a bit silly for people to do it — but the shift is palpable after a quick stretch or plank break.

  4. Go out into the world. Go to places where people live and work to spur new thinking. Talk to people. Take a paper prototype to a coffee shop and get feedback on it.

  5. Walk to lunch. If you are near food trucks or another grab and go establishment, have the group walk to get lunch or a healthy snack. Take stairs if there are some available.


A picture is worth (at least) 1,000 words


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