Whether you’re a facilitator or a business leader, here you’ll find resources, tools and how-to guides aimed at helping your teams — and your business objectives — achieve their potential.

Design Sprint, Creativity Jackie Colburn Design Sprint, Creativity Jackie Colburn

Why aren’t you making great things? Fear

Using tested tools and frameworks takes the guesswork out of the “how” and provides a recipe to follow. But they aren’t enough. You can have the best hammer and nails but if you are too afraid to swing the hammer and make the birdhouse because it might be ugly, you’ll just have a pile of tools and no place for birds to live. When we create, we bring something new into the world. Fear arises when we think about doing anything new. New is unknown. New is novel. New is scary. Our brains want us to stay in the safe zone.

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Being Human Jackie Colburn Being Human Jackie Colburn

Dear people, the cult of busy is killing us

Busy is a great avoidance technique. Just like any other; alcohol, drugs, video games, tv, interpersonal dramas. Busy distracts us and helps us to avoid the hard work of being present. The first step to recovery is to put down our screens and stop stacking our calendars. The second step is to get comfortable with the uncomfortable feeling of being present and doing the work; on our lives, in our relationships, at work.

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Being Human Jackie Colburn Being Human Jackie Colburn

The soundtrack to my MRI

Five weeks after the birth of my daughter, I woke up with a funny sensation in my right ear — like I was underwater. Things were muffled and strange. I needed an MRI. I didn’t know exactly what to expect other than that I would be inside of a small space for an hour. Here’s the playlist I listened to during the process.

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Design Sprint, Facilitation Resources Jackie Colburn Design Sprint, Facilitation Resources Jackie Colburn

Sprint for Good 2018 with Justin Kaster

When Justin Kaster and I first started talking, he was in the midst of working on the next iteration of his business ideas and wanted help defining what his team could do next. I ran a 3-day Design Sprint with Justin’s team to design, test, and get feedback on new concepts that could help him evaluate the best next direction for his business.

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Design Sprint, Facilitation Resources Jackie Colburn Design Sprint, Facilitation Resources Jackie Colburn

Neutralize Design Sprint politics using these simple methods

The magic of the Design Sprint is its ability to neutralize politics. When I work with teams, I have frank conversations about politics and team dynamics going into the Sprint. The agenda I design takes into consideration the realities of those dynamics. I use methods to draw out ideas from everyone in the room and facilitate sharing and dialog so that politics aren’t what matters and great ideas can shine through.

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Product Jackie Colburn Product Jackie Colburn

Your team can do better

When it comes to action, the biggest barrier to product teams is often the team charged with making change in the first place. This doesn’t have to be the case. Your team can overcome and bring greatness (or at least bring something!) into the world.

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Being Human Jackie Colburn Being Human Jackie Colburn

How to fall down

Upon rejection, a quick inventory will do. No need to spend more time than the time needed to assess and learn. Then, move on. Just show up and be better, stronger and more focused the next time.

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Design Sprint, Facilitation Resources Jackie Colburn Design Sprint, Facilitation Resources Jackie Colburn

Sprinting to make changes in education

These methods used are both a means to solve the challenges at hand and as practice so that educators walk away with tools they can use to continuously improve and refine on their own. First: we identify our “to solve” and refine by putting the human beings we aim to help at the center of our problem solving. Then: we come up with new ideas rapidly. Last: we define solutions that will be tested and tried after our work together.

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Design Sprint, Being Human Jackie Colburn Design Sprint, Being Human Jackie Colburn

Why I quit my amazing job

If you are excited about something, jealous of someone or have a desire to say no so that you can say yes to something else, ask yourself: “How you are standing in your own way?” I’m out on my own running collaborative design sprints for clients to solve problems and come up with new ideas for products, services or experiences in the world.

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Creativity Jackie Colburn Creativity Jackie Colburn

Decide and conquer

If you don’t decide to try new things, you stay where you are today. This may be safe for a period of time but not forever. Change is necessary. To change, you must decide, commit and act on that.

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Design Sprint Jackie Colburn Design Sprint Jackie Colburn

Move to design the future

When I facilitate Design Sprints, physical movement is a part of the equation. We get up and move around the room. We stand and gather round for sharing ideas. We go out into the world to observe the environments that people live and work in. Motion creates a noticeable shift and more ideas come forth than they do when a group is sitting still around a table.

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Creativity Jackie Colburn Creativity Jackie Colburn

Interaction design should equal positive ROI

Every time we have an interaction with another person we are creating a unique exchange that lives outside of the space that those individuals inhabit. When we have a choice about who we create with (meaning, they aren’t our blood relatives) we choose the people who provide us something good; something that makes our life more pleasurable or easier than it would be without the exchange.

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